A tale of two waffles: the Brussels and Liège waffles
While both waffles are derived from yeast and are originally from Belgium, that’s ultimately where the similarities end.

Brussels Waffle
Brussels waffles are made with a thin, liquidy, yeast-leavened batter mix. Rectangular with defined edges, this type of Belgian waffle boasts deep pockets or holes, and always requires toppings for flavor. Think of it as the waffle you find at a diner: fluffy and pale golden, yet tasteless—hence requiring syrup and other garnishes.

Liège Waffle
Conversely, Liège waffles are crafted with a thicker yeasted dough. One of Le Waf’s secrets to waffle perfection is the Belgian pearl sugar we fold into the dough, which gives our artisan delight its unique caramelized and crunchy taste during the baking process. The result: a sweet, rich, and chewy waffle that’s like nothing you’ve ever tasted before. It’s thick; it’s crunchy; it’s downright perfect.
“Unsurprisingly, our loyalty lies with the Liège waffle.
And as for our secret? Well, that lies in the dough”
satisfying and self-sufficient...
Offering an irresistible depth of flavor and warmth, our unique, Liège-style dough results in a large amount of rise that makes our waffles light and tender inside. The clusters of caramelized pearl sugar riddled through the dough adds a delightful crunch element, providing a satisfying contrast to the buttery waffle dough.
Dangerously addictive, our artisanal waffles transcend toppings or adornments because, well, they’re simply not needed.
A convenient snack, easily eaten at any time of day, there’s no denying our Liège waffles are the very best waffles out there. And once you’ve had some of the best, trust us: there’s no going back.