Step 1: It's simple, really: Use Le Waf Dry Mix and just add water!
Step 2: Mix & divide to your desired size and let proof at room temperature until size doubles.
Step 3: Pre-heat your waffle iron to 180 Celsius/350 Fahrenheit and bake waffles for 3 to 4 minutes until golden brown.
Step 4: Add Pearl Sugar and mix for 2 minutes or until sugar is homogeneouslymixed with the dough.
Step 5: Divide the dough in pieces of 120 grams each.
Step 6: Roll the dough in bowls and place in the freezer.
Step 7: Defrost 4 to 6 hours prior to baking.
Step 8: Preheat your HVD waffle iron to 180 degree Celsius for 20 minutes.
Step 9: Deposit a piece of dough in the waffle iron and bake for approx. 3minutes until waffle turns into a light brown, golden color. Your wafflefork should come out clean when you poke it into the waffle.
Step 10: Let cool off for a minute and enjoy.